ANIMISM: the belief that objects, places and creatures possess a distinct spiritual essence and consciousness. Animism is considered the oldest spiritual paradigm found in cultures across the world.

INBORN DESTINY: A term coined by Jungian Analyst James Hillman that refers to what he calls “acorn theory”; the idea that our lives are formed by a particular calling in the same way the oak’s destiny is contained in a tiny acorn. In his book The Souls Code he proposed the realization of our souls mission is our life’s imperative.

INTERBEING: A term coined by the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh which refers to the interdependence and connectedness of all phenomena existing in the Universe.

JOURNEYWORK: The process of entering a natural trance state through the use of drumming, rattling, song and intention. Once in an altered state of consciousness in a journey one is able to make contact with the unseen world and the spirits that animate the living world.

RESOURCING: A practice utilized in many of the dominant somatic and experiential psychotherapy modalities of our day such as EMDR, Brainspotting, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy and Somatic Experiencing. It is simply the practice of using guided imagery and embodiment practices to invite the body to experience sensations of calm, pleasure and safety. It is widely considered a cornerstone practice of trauma healing.

SAVORING: A process often used in conjunction with resourcing in which we expand our capacity to stay with positive affect and sensations. It is akin to allowing a tea bag to “steep” in water drawing more of the nourishment available out.

SPIRITUAL BYPASSING: A term coined by the Buddhist Psychotherapist John Welwood that refers to a process by which we use spiritual beliefs or euphemisms to avoid psychological pain. For example saying “everything happens for a reason” as a way to avoid the pain and anger we feel after a traumatic event.

SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY: A term popularized in the field of Transpersonal Psychology by Stan Grof. It refers to a type of psychological crisis that can ensue from experiencing expanded states of consciousness that are difficult to integrate or organize. Grof’s work tried to bring awareness to the transformational potential of these states instead of viewing them as a type of psychosis.

WELLNESS KEEPERS: A phrase that came to Ariana in a journey, in which she asked how to feel more resourced during the immensity of the times we are living in. In response she heard, “stay connected to the wellness keepers”, which she came to understand as beings in our psychic and physical eco-system that are allies for healing and carry innate healing intelligence.